Personally, I can’t say that I haven’t fallen into the “I recycle, that’s my personal input in saving the earth” mentality. This article shows that people believe one tiny step is the solution to a sustaining planet. Maniates says, “To stop at "easy" is to say that the best we can do is accept an uninspired politics of guilt around a parade of uncoordinated individual action”. Doing one small thing and priding yourself for doing it doesn’t quite make as big as a difference as you’d like it to. Sure recycling is better than not recycling- but what next? My classmate below says that the leaders are just as responsible as individuals for the damage to the environment, but maybe a better mentality is for people to stop pointing fingers of blame at each other and take action. Even though he might not be the correct person to quote in this area, but Bob Marley once said, “Before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.” So leaders can’t blame pollution of individual’s lives and vice verse. Instead they can work hand in hand- TOGETHER overcome the materials and actions degrading the environment and sustain the earth and resources for further generations,
Leaders should be responsible for showing their citizens the “green way of life”. This doesn’t mean hiding their pollution and dumping it in third world countries. It actually means the government has to take initiative and change the way they manufacture things and research methods of creating less pollution. In return, individuals should change the way they live (even if the old ways are easier). Small things do make a difference when EVERYONE does it. I don’t think the leaders are at fault, I think everyone should be held accountable.
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