Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Baby Steps- We're getting there!

It’s pretty hard trying to find something uplifting after this class taught me all of the things we’ve managed to do to our environment. Looking through my blog posts I feel like a point I’ve tried to make is that small steps are required in making a drastic difference. People need to realize what I have realized in this class to start making a difference. Publicitiy is a huge deal – people need to see the actions that others are making in order for them alter their way of living. People never want to be the “odd one out” so if everyone’s doing it why shouldn’t they. So I came across some ideas that people are doing to become green.

In class we were discussing how sports stadiums consume ridiculous amounts of energy, well fellow classmates- they are doing something about it!



Football, hockey and baseball stadiums all want to incorporate solar panels to reduce their energy consumption. They have realized that without the environment the sports they play wouldn’t work (iced ponds to skate on, fields of grass to play on, etc..) . I feel like sports influence a lot of people in the American culture, and if publicized properly, many people would want to replicate what the sport stadiums are doing. California has already implemented solar panels but now so are the Seattle Seahawks! Hopefully all the teams will, that way their fans would probably do it to because they want to be devoted fans!

There were two other articles which I really enjoyed. What I really like about the environmental revolution, is that people are becoming really creative. They realize that people don’t want to find green solution inconvenient, so they are making these new technologies which wont effect people’s ways of lives. In Europe they are using body heat from public transportation to heat up nearby apartment buildings. An example of this is in Paris in this article: http://www.enn.com/energy/article/41765

Lastly, we discussed windmills in class, and how a lot of people in Nantucket were against them because they don’t look nice and ruin the natural aesthetic. People are now creating new, modern ways of making environmental methods look cool and trendy.
Check out this site to see some pictures of new and improved buildings that your jaw would probably drop at the site of! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/12/green-technology-the-most_n_758552.html#s154112

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